TD Canada Trust has released a new spot on TV for the fall and its taken targeting the boomers to the next level. Unfortunately the commercial isn't up on the web yet but here is the gist: In this spot the father is displeased with his daughters choice of life partner. This is depicted by a late 20 something male who dresses on the curve and it's implied he does not make enough at his living to adequately contribute to his future wife's happiness. This young soon to be husband is a typical Gen Y'er. TD has been targeting boomers for years so what is so special about this spot? Their previous ads didn't openly disapprove of the Gen Y lifestyle. The issue here is that TD is stereotyping an entire generation that is a $200 billion a year industry. A generation that falls between early twenties to mid thirties when people start families, buying cars and houses. A generation that by 2017 will have the largest purchasing power of all segments. Today businesses need to adapt to the changing economic landscape and right now TD is falling out of touch. It will be interesting to see the response from Gen Y and how TD trends their ads over the coming years.
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